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Airport Etiquette
Airport etiquette is very important for the good functioning of airports. Without airport etiquette passengers and airport workers would be facing disorder, delays, disruptions, many avoidable situations. If everyone took the time to practice some airport etiquette and good manners everyone would benefit.
Follow these simple Airport Etiquette Guidelines:
Arrive Early, no need to rush, run and push, follow the set time and location for departures
Make sure you remember where you parked your car (always write down the parking number)
Verify before arriving to airport in which terminal your airline is located
Come prepared, ID’s, passport, ticket, confirmation number, reservation number on hand
Do not cut any lines
Do not bring excess luggage unless you plan on paying extra [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”797″ align=”right” size=”small”]
Dress comfortably for long flights
Follow airlines and airport policy do not bring items that are banned in carry-ons (bottles, liquids, large shampoo containers, nail clippers, nail file, pocket knife…)
Do not talk loudly in waiting area
Keep children near
If eating or drinking in the airport clean up after yourself
Do not place luggage or purse on seat next to you (be considerate other people also want to sit)
While waiting do not reserve for long period of time more than one seat
Be polite and talk nicely to airline and airport personnel, do not forget to say thank you
If you have a problem with your flight, ticket, seat, do not make a scene, try and resolve it quietly, if need be ask to talk to a supervisor
When filling government forms do not lie or omit to insert information, declare everything you buy or bring
Follow security protocol; take off shoes, empty pockets…
When waiting in line for security metal detector keep a distance from the person ahead of you (allow some privacy)
When going to duty free keep track of time, so not to delay a whole plane
If you see someone elderly or disabled that needs help with a door or looking for a gate or seat offer your help
If a person is travelling with children sits next to you offer them your seat or move a seat so they can sit together
Do not talk on your cell phone about private things when people are near and can hear your conversation
Do not go too far from your departure gate while waiting for your flight to board
Do not forget to inform airline personnel of any medical condition
Do not forget to bring your medication
Do not over eat before a flight especially if you become airsick [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”799″ align=”right” size=”small”]
Make sure to report any suspicious activity at the airport
Do not abuse alcohol while waiting for your flight
When it is time to board the flight remember that children and disabled people go first, only after you can board following the airlines agent instructions for boarding